Bag Filter

Bag filters are the most common type of filter in centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems.
Efficiency specifications: medium efficiency (F5-F8), coarse effect (G3-G4).
Typical size: nominal size 610mmX610mm, actual frame 592mmX592mm.
The traditional filter material for the F5-F8 filter is glass fiber. In recent years, the electrostatically charged polypropylene fiber filter material produced by meltblowing has replaced about half of the market for traditional glass fiber materials. The filter material of G3 and G4 filters is mainly polyester (also called polyester) non-woven fabric.
F5-F8 filters are generally disposable. Some G3 and G4 filters can be washed.
Performance requirements: appropriate efficiency, large filtration area, strong, lint-free, and convenient to supply.

Post time: Nov-07-2015